March 16, 2020
Read the tips below to learn more about the products you're purchasing, and how to ensure you're using them correctly!
Always use the correct oil viscosity according to the compressor manufacturers' specifications. Never mix oils!
Recommended Parts for this tip:
PAG Oil 100 (Case of 6, 8 oz. Bottles)
PAG Oil 46 (Case of 6, 8 oz. Bottles)
Under normal operating conditions, the drier canister should be warm to the touch. The presence of frost on the canister indicates an internal restriction.
The receiver drier should be replaced anytime the a/c system is opened and never leave the fittings uncapped prior to installation. When performing any service on the HVAC, always make the receiver drier the last component replaced.
Inline Receiver Drier
Receiver Drier, w/ High Pressure Relief Valve & Male Switch Port
It is also a good practice to use inline suction filters to help catch any foreign material.
The most common reason a replacement compressor fails (new or remanufactured) is caused by contaminants from a previously failed compressor.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
A/C Flush Solvent, R12 or R134A
A/C Flush Solvent, R12 or R134A
Get to know what the sound and feel of your AC is like when blowing on maximum. If the temperature is low, but the airflow is slow when set on maximum, it could be that your Cabin air filter is blocked. Locate and replace.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
Baldwin Cabin Air Filter, Element
Baldwin Cabin Air Filter, Element - Pkg. of 2
If the vehicle is fitted with a micro-bore parallel flow condenser, it must be removed. Similarly, the receiver drier or the accumulator drier should be removed.
The system can then be flushed with the vehicle manufacturer's recommended flushing medium. The use of non-compatible flushing solvents may damage the system seals, and residues may interact with the system lubricant.
It is best to use a specially designed flushing machine with a selection of fittings to attach the forward and reverse pipes. The system sections should be flushed in the reverse direction to normal flow.
Solvent-based flushes should be removed by evacuating the system at a minimum of 29.9 in Hg for at least 45 minutes. Oil-based flushes cannot be complexly removed; therefore, the flush must be compatible with the refrigerant oil that will be used in the system.
A new condenser and drier should be used to replace the ones removed as they cannot be adequately cleaned. Faulty system parts should then be replaced. New seals used where old seals have been disturbed.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
Compressor, Drier & Valve Kit
Compressor, Drier, Valve & Condenser Kit
If the clutch face is discolored that is possibly the case. You may also see some epoxy from the coil windings that may be there as well. To see if this is the problem, start the vehicle and turn all of the accessories on. With a voltmeter check the voltage to the clutch and make sure it's to the manufacture's specifications. If the voltage is all right then there is a problem with high head pressure.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
Low Voltage Clutch Coil Protection Kit
Compressor Conversion Kit, Delco A6 to Sanden, w/ Single Switch
The first function cuts the compressor off if the refrigerant charge is lost or too low to prevent the compressor from running dry and locking up.
The second function cuts the compressor off if the head pressure reaches unsafe levels to prevent compressor damage or damage to other components such as a blown hose.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
High-Low Binary Pressure Switch Kit, #6 O-Ring
High-Low Binary Pressure Switch
It also divides the system into two zones, high pressure and low pressure. The most common block valve failure is a loss of gas charge inside the power element head. Plugged up expansion valves cannot be flushed out and must be replaced.
When replacing a capillary type expansion valve make sure the capillary coil or bulb is properly attached to the outlet side of the evaporator line and well insulated with prestite insulation tape.
Recommended Parts for this tip:
Expansion Valve, Block
Expansion Valve, Right Angle, Internally Equalized
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